Talking Moonlight And The Variety Of Ways In Which Coming-Of-Age Tales Can Be Told.

Welcome to TC’s Movie Podcast, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Wanna talk movies? Hey, so does TC! So listen up. And if you like what you hear, head here to subscribe to TC’s Movie Podcast on iTunes. Or just make a note in your phone calendars to check back in with us each Friday to hear a new episode. Either way, really. Find the archives here.

While in Seattle this week, I caught up with my good buddy — and frequent TCMP guest! — Justin Bell, who now lives in Michigan, but grew up in that city and came along as my tour guide.

During the trip, we figured we’d take the increasingly rare opportunity of us being in the same city again to see a movie and record a podcast about it. And so we saw Moonlight at the historic Seattle theater The Egyptian.

That call paid off beautifully. Moonlight‘s a very wonderful movie. It feels like darn near a documentary, the way it portrayed the life of its lead, Chiron. The film touches on a bevy of deep topics, and all are wonderful for conversation in this format.

So listen in for that talk! Also, tune in to hear us discuss the coming-of-age tradition of kids checking out each others’ junk.

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