Talking Doctor Strange and How Marvel Movies Have Become Their Own Genre At This Point With Old 97’s Guitarist Ken Bethea.

Welcome to TC’s Movie Podcast, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Wanna talk movies? Hey, so does TC! So listen up. And if you like what you hear, head here to subscribe to TC’s Movie Podcast on iTunes. Or just make a note in your phone calendars to check back in with us each Friday to hear a new episode. Either way, really. Find the archives here.

A couple months back, I talked with Old 97’s guitarist Ken Bethea about coming on the podcast. He gave me a list of movies he was excited about seeing in theaters, and Doctor Strange was among that list of possibilities.

Turns out, Ken was a good fit for talking about this one. He has some enthusiasm for the source material haviong grown up a fan of The Defenders, and it was very nice to have him here on the podcast to share that background.

Anyway, we both liked the movie to varying degrees. It’s pretty solid! We both think you should totally see it. Listen in to hear why.

See Also: The Good Doctor. // Thanks To Its Visual Spectacle and The Charms Of Its Star, Doctor Strange Indeed Does The Trick.

Plus, you might wanna just listen in because Ken Bethea is Ken Bethea — so you know I had to ask him some Old 97’s questions, too. Wanna know when the next Old 97’s album is coming out? We get the scoop in this chat.

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