It’s Aquarius Season, Mercury Is Back In Retrograde And The Dallas Mavericks’ Otherwise Cheerful Luka Dončić Is Down Bad.

Even if you’re one of those adamant horoscope deniers — yes, Taurus folks, we’re looking at you — we here at Central Track, since our earliest days as a website, have long chosen to believe that one’s zodiac sign really does say a lot about a person. For more Zodiac content, peep our Dallastrology archives.

Ever so often, the stars align enough for our Dallastrology series to enter a great conjunction with sports, and it’s never made more sense than now. 

The Dallas Mavericks have gotten off to a rough start this season. Like, a current six-game losing streak type of rough, which was only exacerbated Monday when they lost by a single point in the final seconds of a home game against the Phoenix Suns.  

Our normally cheerful Slovenian wonder, Luka Dončić, is understandably down bad as of late, calling the Mavs’ performance “terrible.”

“There’s really not much to say,” he said after a recent loss to the Utah Jazz. “I’ve never felt like this. We’ve got to do something. This is not looking good. We’ve got to step up, talk to each other and play way better than this.”

As disheartening as it is to see our objectively precious star player stray from his otherwise happy-go-lucky demeanor, the team’s recent flubs make sense — Mercury is in retrograde again. Now, before you roll your eyes and start mumbling about Gatorade, know this: retrograde causes roadblocks in collaboration and communication. And to make matters worse, it’s retrograding through Aquarius, which is intensifying the crippling energy and brain fog. 

We know it’s nearly impossible to be able to disentangle the long-term brain fog we’ve all been feeling from the ongoing pandemic and this Aquarius Season-induced brain fog, but the stars won’t stay like this for long. Mercury will leave retrograde On February 21, and hopefully by then, Luka, Boban Marjanović and the rest of the gang will have bounced back.

In the meantime, allow these gifs of Luka’s many expressive moments as each Zodiac sign to get you through this retrograde. 












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