Talking Batman v Superman and Whether Good Can Overome Evil Critics.

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As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Batman v Superman is a movie with a ton of problems. But is it really as bad as everyone says it is? Because, if it is, then it must be atrocious!

Here, I’m joined by Central Track film critic Angela Jones for a talk about just this subject.

Frankly, neither of us loved it. The character motivations are overly convoluted and unbelievable. Some of the plot points don’t add up. Superman, as a character, is still super boring.

But, truth is, it’s still a better movie than it’s getting credit for. Jesse Eisenberg is a live wire. Ben Affleck is decidedly not bad.

Here, we weigh all of these qualities in a nice back-and-forth chat about whether good can overcome evil film critics.

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