Looking To Cut Your Teeth With Some Hands-On Reporting About Dallas Music, Culture, Arts And Fashion? Have We Got An Opportunity For You!

We know you’re gearing up for the holidays and the new year. But pretty soon, it’ll be time to get back to your classes.

If, perhaps, you’re looking for a little something else to do aside from attend class lectures and discussions this coming spring semester, how about you come and intern with us?

If you regularly read Central Track, then you know what we’re about. We see Dallas and report about Dallas from different angles. We don’t shy away from telling it like it is — as long as the facts back us up, of course.

If that sort of mindset is one you can work with, then check out the below descriptions of interns we’re seeking for the next semester and see if you fit any of these bills:

  • Editorial Interns. Our ideal candidate here is not just interested in area culture (music, nightlife, fashion, restaurants, bars, etc.), but also at least a little familiar with it. Applicants should be strong, efficient and prolific writers who aren’t afraid to have and share an opinion. Responsibilities will include assisting in our day-to-day operations, maintaining and contributing to our listings and event previews, and crafting for publication other articles, both pitched and assigned.
  • Photography/Graphic Design Interns. The perfect candidates here should be well-versed in all aspects of the Adobe Suite, and a creator in their own right. We seek interns who are eager to help our writing staff better visualize their stories, as well as being capable of telling their own stories through visual means. Responsibilities will include photo editing, creating infographics and visually covering events that happen throughout the market.
  • Social Media/Marketing Interns. Here, we seek candidates with an interest in social media, events and branding. Responsibilities will include conceiving and executing social media campaigns, assisting with event production and helping out with other branding efforts, both inside and outside of our office.
  • Video Interns. As Central Track looks to expands its video offerings for both editorial and promotional projects, we’re seeking interns with the ability to help us produce that content. Responsibilities will include assisting on video shoots, logging footage, pre-editing, editing, working on motion graphics, aplying text overlays and more. Previous working experience with Adobe Premiere and After Effects is preferred.

The top candidates for these positions would preferably be currently enrolled in an area college or university and would be able to receive class credit for their internship. We would require you to come into our Deep Ellum office 10 to 15 hours every week, somewhere during the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. between Monday and Friday. We will work with you to figure out the schedule that best works for both our needs and yours, although you will have to provide your own laptop and transportation to and from the office.

If that all sounds fine and good, then hit up our editor in chief Pete Freedman via email (pete [at] centraltrack [dot] com) and put “2018 SPRING INTERNSHIP” in the subject line so we will know exactly what your email is about and get to it right away. Include a resume, links or attachments to work samples that apply to the position you week and a cover letter that details why you think you’d be a good fit here at Central Track.

The deadline for applying for a Spring 2018 internship is 5 p.m. on Friday, January 5, 2018, although you’re of course welcome to submit your application before that.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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