In Response To Dallas County Declaring A State Of Emergency, Dallas Animal Services Is Waiving All Adoption Fees Until Further Notice.

In response to Dallas County declaring a state of emergency earlier this week, all Dallas County Animal Services adoptions are now free until further notice.

As of right now, you can choose between 233 dogs, 23 cats and one snake to adopt.

The shelter still recommends practicing social distancing, and has assigned volunteers specifically for the purpose of keeping those who visit the shelter six feet apart at all times.

Not ready to fully adopt? You can choose to foster a pet until the shelter is able to find them a permanent home. This is apparently becoming an increasingly popular method for aiding the shelter, as it has seen a 1,717 percent increase over last year’s same five-day period.

Y’all are getting lonely in isolation, aren’t you? This could help.

If you can’t adopt or foster, don’t sweat it. The shelter is also accepting donations during these trying times.

Don’t live in Dallas County? That’s fine, but your local animal shelter could probably use a hand, too. To find out how you can help your nearest shelter, head here.

We do want to remind you, though, that long-term responsibility of pet ownership is of the utmost importance when considering adoption. If you are someone who wants to help take care of an animal during this rocky time, we suggest fostering or simply donating instead.

I mean, just look at some of these precious animals available right now. They’re fucking adorable.

Cover photo via Dallas Animal Services on Facebook.

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