Can You Believe It’s Been Two Whole Weeks Since We Threw Our Big Ol’ Celebration Of The Dallas Music Scene? Nuts! Here’s A Final Look Back At The Night.

We’ve already taken a couple looks back at our first-ever Central Track Music Honors event.

We wrote a post revealing the acts who earned the top honors distinctions at our Granada Theater-hosted February 20 event, and we shared two separate photo recaps of the night — one filled with shots of the overall vibes in and around the venue, as well as a second, more personality-focused set of photos taken by our step-and-repeat/photo booth area.

We’ve also already shared to our social media channels a pair of videos we produced with footage captured over the course of the big event — one a general recap of the scene, and another compiling some of the thank-you speeches shared to our cameras by the acts that took home our Track Record trophies throughout the course of the night.

The only thing we haven’t done yet is share those videos on our site itself. So, yeah, here we are doing that. Check them out below. They’re pretty great, if I may say so myself.

Consider them an early taste of what’s to come next year, maybe?

The Full Video Recap From The Night!

The Thank You Speeches!

Cover photo of Xuan by Karlo X. Ramos.

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