Stone Cold Steve Austin Teases Possible Fight Against Brock Lesnar At Wrestlemania 32 in Arlington.

We’re going to be hearing a ton of awesome wrestling rumors over the course of the next, oh, year or so as the WWE gears up to bring Wrestlemania 32 to AT&T Stadium in Arlington on April 3, 2016.

But this first one is maybe the best: Last night, immediately following the airing of Monday Night Raw, the WWE Network ran a televised broadcast of the Stone Cold Podcast, during which the currently dormant Texas-born wresting icon Stone Cold Steve Austin teased the possibility of returning to the ring for a match against Brock Lesnar when Wrestlemania comes back to Austin’s home state next year.

“I’d have to think about it,” Austin told his guest for the show, Lesnar manager Paul Heyman, who threatened to call his client to confirm the fight right then and there.

It’s tough to gauge the veracity of such chatter given that this in the wrestling world — but the fact that it happened through a WWE-approved channel would appear to lend it some credence.

Continued Austin, possibly backtracking some from his threat to come back for the fight: “I think the person that’d really have to think about would be Brock Lesnar. I don’t think that he’d want to take all the momentum, all the good stuff that you guys have done, to roll into 105,000 people [Cowboys Stadium] and get his ass smoked.”

Yes, even at 50 years old, the Texas Rattlesnake’s still as cocky on the mic as ever, bless his heart. And, he promises, he can still open up a can of whoop-ass if need be.

“If I was going to fight Brock Lesnar, I’d beat his ass,” Austin said. “Now, I’m not saying I’m going to [fight him], but I think you know how this is gonna go down.”

Check out a clip of the conversation below to gauge how serious Austin is on the matter for yourself.

I dunno, you guys. Seems pretty serious to me.

Oh, please let this happen.

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