Another Election, Another Year Without I Voted Stickers In Dallas County.

If it seems like we ask this question every other November, it’s because we do. But it bears repeating just the same: Why weren’t we given any “I voted!” stickers upon exiting our polling stations in Dallas County this morning?

I mean, really.

Well, turns out, it’s because — despite what we’ve been told in the past — we’re not supposed to be getting any. Nope, we’re not.

“Dallas County doesn’t give those out,” a representative named Kathy told us when we called up the Dallas County Elections Department this morning to find out what was up. This was before she took down our number and promised us that a higher-ranking official than she would call us back shortly with a formal statement on the matter — something that, three hours later, has yet to happen.

“It’s just not a Dallas County practice,” she added, and rather unapologetically at that, I must say. “It’s an unnecessary expense.”

Oh, is it? Is a helpful — albeit somewhat boastful — reminder on our fellow Americans’ shirts of today’s importance so massive a cost? C’mon now. They cost $20 per roll of 1,000 on Amazon — and given that fewer than 80 people had voted our polling station by 10:30 this morning, one gets the impression that such a roll could last years. Also: Considering that our elected officials are currently seeking raises of at least $20,000 per year, it feels like $20 is a rather negligible cost — and not one that polling station supervisors should have to dig into their own pockets to cover, which is what our Bryan Adams High School station representatives told us was what they’d heard that some other stations were doing this morning.

For what it’s worth: Kathy at the Dallas County Elections Office doesn’t seem too bothered by our concerns.

“I wouldn’t think so,” she answered upon our asking if we thought a lack of stickers could affect voter turnout.

Obviously, Kathy’s not on Instagram.

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