On Hangout Fest Raging, Living Life In Fear of Memes And Bad Stadium Investments.

If you’re a listener of KTCK 1310-AM or 96.7-FM, you probably feel like you already know TC Fleming and Jake Kemp well. And if you’re not a listener of The Ticket? Well, whatever. You’re about to get real familiar with these two just the same through their own channel of this podcast called It’s Just Banter. Wanna hear past episodes? You can check out IJB’s archives here and on our Soundcloud page. Wanna subscribe to the podcast on iTunes? Do so here.

Jake and I did hella partying during our annual trip to Hangout Fest this past weekend. We just got back Monday, and boy do we have some stories to tell. Do salsa jaws sound like your idea of a good time? Then you are in for a treat.

As for the music, Jake and I both like Grimes now! We know very little about her, but she is great.

Once that chatter’s all done, we then get very real about this new Texas Rangers stadium that’s in the works. Not only do I think it’s one of the worst possible uses of tax money imaginable, but I also see it as an open act of war on my childhood. Honestly, I can scarcely think of an idea I like less. It’s like Arlington saw Dallas giving $3 million to Costco and didn’t want to lose the Stupid Rodeo.

So listen in, OK? — TC Fleming

Cover photo via Hangout Fest’s Facebook.

















































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