Elm Street Tattoo Notched Another 24-Hour Friday The 13th Ink Fest.

The Long-Running Series Returned Friday Night As The Tattoo Artists At Elm Street Tattoo Spent 24 Hours Inking The Lucky Few Who Were Able To Nab A Spot In Line.

All photos by Karlo X. Ramos.

Friday the 13th isn’t always an unlucky day.

The lucky few who were able to nab a spot in line for Elm Street Tattoo’s Friday The 13th 24-hour ink session can attest to that.

The series made its return last Friday and ink enthusiasts who signed up ahead of time or had a good spot in line were able to get Friday the 13th-themed tats for just $20 a pop.

The marathons have been going for about 26 years now. Surely you’ve heard the tale. Shop owner and Ink Master judge Oliver Peck started the celebration all those years ago when he was working at Dallas Paradise Tattoo. When he opened up Elm Street Tattoo, he kept the tradition going and even notched his way into the Guinness Book of Records in 2008 for most tattoos completed in 24 hours.

And though Peck did not attempt to reclaim that record, Friday’s marathon was no different than the usual. Ink aficionados lined up well before the midnight Thursday kickoff to get a seat inside the storied shop and get some fresh ink.

So if you missed out on the party at Elm Street Tattoo, enjoy the scenes that Karlo X. Ramos captured in the slideshow above. And just so you’re ready for next time, the next 24-hour marathon will be July 13.

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