Tips For How to Beat the Heat This Summer.

Remember the summer of 2011? Meteorologically speaking, it was epic: Dallas broke all sorts of temperature records that year as residents were gifted a grand total of 70 days with temperatures at or above 100 degrees.

The optimists among us would argue that 2011 was an anomaly. But, on the other hand, it did happen, and the realists among us are just wondering how we’re going to survive another summer in Dallas without melting.

That’s the real point of concern here: Try as you might, there’s just no avoiding the summer heat in Dallas. One way or another, you have to face it — unless you want to just sit inside your air-conditioned apartment all season long.

But that’s not really an option unless you’re a hermit. So, since we’re all going to have to go out and brave the heat eventually, we figured it might be helpful for us to assemble a few of our favorite tips — both traditional and inventive — for crushing the heat back into submission this summer.

Here are our suggestions.3775_2

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