Welcome Back To Street Style, Where We Take A Glimpse Into The Fashion Sense Of Dallas’ Sharpest Dressers And What Inspires Their Styles.

Name: Myah Hasbany
Age: 15
Occupation: “I work at an art studio called Studio Arts in Dallas.”
Found: Dallas Museum of Art, Lady Gaga costume contest
Describe your style: “Well, I would wear this dress everyday if I could but my everyday style would be really weird, really eclectic. Basically every decade mashed together.”
Favorite decade out of all: The 1920’s
What are you wearing? “My dress and accessories are all handmade. The faces are hand painted. It took me 3 months to make the dress itself.” (Applaud the hard work everybody!)
What/who inspires your fashion sense? “Little Edie from Grey Gardens, or Frida Kahlo.”


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