This Mess In The Middle Of The Street In Front Of Lizard Lounge Deserves A Medal.

Every now and then in this thing we call life, we as humans bear witness to blunders so massive, so poorly handled and so massively bungled that, at a certain point, they merit our admiration.

This is one such instance. Because, even among our many pothole-riddled streets in Dallas, this mess, located near the front of Lizard Lounge, is in a league of its own.

This monstrosity has existed in Deep Ellum in one incarnation or another for at least two years now. It’s somehow related to some Dallas Water Utilities work efforts over by the nearby intersection of Swiss Avenue and North Hawkins Street. It may also be related to the never-ending Pacific Avenue/Pearl Steet/Cesar Chavez Boulevard construction and/or that new little spur from Elm Street that will eventually squirt people up the west side of Lizard Lounge towards Central Expressway.

It hasn’t gone wholly ignored during this stretch. In fact, the fresh asphalt shows that the city’s tried to take this sucker to task in the past.

And yet Dallas’ mightiest pothole lives on — mostly, it seems, because it has a pipe/hose contraption strangely sticking out of it from among the club detritus and actual grass that also exists among its many distinguishable characteristics.

Ugly though it may be, its resiliency is an inspiration to us all.

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