[PHOTOS] Scenes From Dallas’ Reproductive Liberation March.

Thousands Of Protesters Gathered In Downtown Dallas On Saturday To Show A United Front Against The Texas Legislature’s Attacks On Women’s Rights.

All photos by Cody Farmer.

Despite many folks’ good intentions, Texas seems determined to beat Florida in a race to the bottom.

Our senators are a muppet-faced goon and the bad OmniCorp guy from RoboCop. Every policy passed at the state level seems designed to harm as many BIPOC, women and LGBTQ people as possible. Our state is as gerrymandered, mocked and divided as ever. Our best governor in recent history is a war criminal. Things are looking more and more bleak every day.

And yet somehow even topping this insane list is S.B. 8, wherein the government is now putting a bounty on women’s heads in civil court for receiving, aiding or abetting an abortion. It’s one of the grossest bills ever passed in the Texas Senate — a government body not known for restraint.

Within this dire landscape, it’s sometimes nice to remember that you’re not alone. This past weekend’s Dallas Reproductive Liberation March served to remind us how it feels to be surrounded by positive people willing to stand up for what’s right.

On Saturday, thousands of Dallasites of all races, genders and political beliefs (ranging from neolibs to socialist rifle association members) gathered together at Main Street Garden Park in Downtown Dallas and marched in protest of a common enemy while protesters in Washington D.C. and across the country echoed the same sentiment.


The mood was overwhelmingly one of love, support and righteous anger — from those who’ve had abortions to those who simply defend their right to do so. Speakers at the park riled up the crowd and sparked an infectious energy that carried throughout the whole event, in which this voluminous, united front chanted, stood up and showed those in charge that they won’t take an attack on women’s reproductive rights sitting down.

It was an inspiring scene — and a reminder to those who attended that, nightmarish as things may seem in this state from time to time, there still exist many likeminded and supportive neighbors who have their backs.

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