On Cinco De Mayo, We’re Partying At The Granada Theater With The Texas Gentlemen, The Gritz, Medicine Man Revival, Blue The Misfit and More.

Update at 7 p.m. on April 20, 2018: Central Track is no longer associated with this event. We will be announcing new plans for a six-year anniversary celebration as soon as possible. Keep an eye out!

In the six years since we started this here website, we’ve experienced highs, lows and more than a few events that could be classified as both when viewed from a far enough distance away.

It’s been a trip.

We’ve broken stories before the bigger, more experienced teams in town could — and been given no credit whatsoever when the fruits of that reporting would inevitably pop up on another site in town. We’ve seen our efforts slammed as crass and juvenile by our critics — and then also hailed as genius in the same breath by the members of the old guard who couldn’t help but begrudgingly respect our guile. Over the years, we’ve seen a number of our contributors come and go — with more than a few of them aggressively hired away by the same higher-ups who scoffed at the notion that we were ever capable of doing anything worthwhile.

What’s most important, we think, is that we’ve just managed to stick around. And we feel pretty good about that!

There’s no denying that six years is a long time — it’s long enough for a child to go from birth to grade school — and, when we try to wrap our heads around that notion, it’s pretty clear what’s allowed us to keep going all these years.

It’s you, our readers.

Y’all are our lifeblood, whether you realize it or not. And you’ve been super supportive of us all along the way — like, almost obnoxiously so. Honestly, if we think about it long enough, we tend get a little misty-eyed.

So instead of doing that, let’s party instead, yeah? Word.

Here’s the plan: On Saturday, May 5, we’re teaming up with our pals at the Granada Theater to throw a legitimate banger featuring some of the most talented musicians in town. As part of a delightfully diverse bill, the night will feature live performances from some our favorite bands — The Texas Gentlemen, The Gritz and Medicine Man Revival — as well as a DJ set from Blue, The Misfit. Plus more!

On the one hand, the night will be a celebration of our reaching this six-year milestone. But, more than that, we want you, the reader, to think of it as a thanks for all of your support throughout the years.

We know that’s how we’ll be thinking of it, anyway.

And here’s how serious we are about that: Tickets to the show are running $15 in advance, and $20 on the day of — but the first 50 people to purchase their tickets while entering the promo code “CTTURNS6” at checkout will get their passes for just $6 a pop. That’s a hell of a steal, we’d say, for what promises to be one hell of a party.

We really hope you’ll come out and join us on this night. Your support throughout the years has meant the world to us. And having you in the building and rocking out alongside as we take in a show featuring some of the top talent in the city — well, that’d mean the world to us, too.

Get your tickets here. And, again, don’t forget that “CTTURNS6” promo code if you wanna save some scratch.

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