Check Out The New, ‘80s-Inspired Synth-Pop Direction of Indie Rockers Danni & Kris.

Welcome to Song of the Day, where we hip you to all the new local releases you should be caring about. By highlighting one new North Texas-sprung tune every week day, our hope is that you’ll find something new to love about the rich and abundant DFW music scene five days a week.

PRIZM – “All Night.”
RIYL: Saying “New Year, new you” every January.
What else you should know: PRIZM only launched its official Facebook page two weeks ago. But its members have much more history together than that.

For the better part of a decade, members Kris Williams and Danni James have been playing out as acoustic indie-pop duo Danni & Kris. But now the Fort Worth ladies are breathing new life into their collaborative efforts with a new project, new retro synth sound, new look and new booking agent in 13th Floor Music. Meaning, you should start seeing even more of them around town.

Ahead of that, they’ve cooked up a three-song debut EP to introduce the new signature sound that’s equal parts classic ‘80s synthwave and modern pop, and ripe for licensing opportunities.

Find the title track streaming below.

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