The Standout Track From The Dallas Indie-Rock Artist’s New Album Is A Short But Sweet Breeze Of Easy-Going, Guided Meditation.

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Broox – “Ayahuaska Sunrise”
RIYL: Taking it easy.
What Else You Should Know: The release of Broox’s new album was a longtime in the making. Two years and a handful of singles have passed since his last full-length, and with it all came a matured artist and fine-tuned sound.

Described by the indie-rock soloist as “an intense emotional journey”, the 11 tracks of Fatima sprout themes of self-reflection and consequential meditation. “Ayahuaska Sunrise” is perhaps the ripest example of this.

Though it’s one of the shortest songs on the LP (it clocks in at a runtime of just 1:40), the album’s median is a flashpoint, as Broox croons a mantra of “Breathe in/Breathe out/That’s what I’m talking about/Just taking it easy.” But what it lacks in length, it atones in reassuring intimacy — think of those narrated audible meditations you can find on the Calm app, except set to warm, surfy guitar licks.

“I’ve found so much inner peace and self-discovery though the development of this new album,” Broox said upon the release of Fatima. “All I want now is to share it with the world, and for us all to bond over the love felt within the vibrations.”

We’re absolutely feeling the love with “Ayahuaska Sunrise.”

Cover photo via Broox on Bandcamp.

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