The Ladies Behind The Bars at La Grange, Anvil Pub and Capital Pub Have a New Pin-Up Calendar.

Forget the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders calendar. Men in Dallas now have another calendar to look forward to and salivate over.

The first-ever “The Bikes, Bars & Betties” calendar features female bartenders from all over Dallas, all dolled up like you’ve never seen ’em before. (Well, not behind the bar, at least).

The concept came from graphic designer Micah Phillips, and was produced with the help of Lindsay Holman of the Capital Pub. With models, makeup artists, photo retouchers and photographers, more than 25 people had a hand in the creation, production, and distribution of the calendar.

Wanna get one? The calendars will soon be available for purchase online right here, and are currently available at Capital Pub, Anvil Pub, Black Swan Saloon, The Old Monk, Oak Cliff Bike Company and Transit Bikes. The calendars are only $22 — that’s only $1.83 a month, or a little more than six cents a day –and a percentage of your purchasing cost will benefit Hit By Car on Bike (HBCB), a charity that was established to help victims of car-on-bike crimes.

Currently, the Dallas version of Bikes, Bars & Betties is the only calendar available, but, as soon as next year, more cities will be included in the cause.

Oh, and the modeling bartenders you can expect to see in this year’s calendar? Candice Ruibal, Cinnamon Rhae, Jayna Wallach, Tawni Carranza, Ashley Dootson, Lindsay Holman, Lora Cook, Miranda Keirns, Ashley Reid Lewis, Jennifer Crow, Misty Rodriguez, Whittney Johnson and Tammy Card.

Looking good, ladies.

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