Popular Deep Ellum Watering Hole Anvil Pub To Expand in 2013.

Two years back now, brothers Josh Bridges and Loc Holman put some serious work into 2638 Elm Street, transforming the barren storefront into the warm, welcoming space that their Anvil Pub venture serves as today.

Now they’re about to put in some more work.

Starting this week, the brothers will begin working on their plans to expand their pub’s space into the vacant storefront to the bar’s immediate right — a space the pub has leased for over a year at this point, mostly for storage purposes.

Come spring, though, that space will be completely different — a fully functional and new hangout area for Anvil’s audience to inhabit. Plans call for more seating, an expanded back patio, a larger kitchen, more walk-in space for storage and a wraparound bar that will extend from the current one in the pub’s original space.

And that’s just the start, really.

“We’re looking 40 beers on tap — at least,” says Holman. “It won’t be any less than 40. We’ll have a nice little dart board section, too, because our first one kind of turned into a bike rack area. We’ll have more bike racks, too. More seating. It’ll look a lot like it does on the other side. The dark wood and all that.”

The reason behind the changes? Locman says that’s simple: Demand.

“If you ever come on a Friday or Saturday night, you know it gets packed,” he says. “We’re excited. Business justifies it.”

Locman says he and his crew tentatively hope to have the space built out and ready to open some time around March.

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