Check Out The New Single From Oak Cliff-Based Indie-Rock Band The Beckleys, Which Blends ‘80s Rock With Subtle Influences Of Their Latinx Identity.

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The Beckleys – “Galaxy Eyes”
RIYL: Taking it beyond heart eyes.
What Else You Should Know: Around this time last year, The Beckleys were kicking it along the West Coast for their summer tour, but this year, they’re bringing the West Coast to us with a surfy new single.

The Dallas indie-rock band formed in back in the fall of 2018 in Oak Cliff, and consist of Albeto Rivera (vocals), Eric Cerda (guitar), Luis Rodriguez (drums), Anthony Najera (bass) and Mollie Ramsey (keyboard). The band’s blend of ‘80s pop meets modern indie-rock with Latin influence harkens back the nostalgia of rock en Español tunes.

“Galaxy Eyes,” which released on July 14, will give you those “They wrote this song about me” goosebumps that leave you feeling like someone wrote a soundtrack specifically about your own experiences. And how dare they try to make us to fall in love during an already lonely time in the middle of a pandemic.

The song resembles SoCal surf-rock, dream-pop bands like The Grinns and Los Shadows that will make you want to take a road trip to anywhere with a beach. However, the most distinguishable elements of “Galaxy Eyes” take place at the beginning of the track, with Cerda’s Johnny Marr-esque guitar licks and Rodriguez’s drum beat. With its lyrics of wanting love from a person who belongs to somebody else, “Galaxy Eyes” the epitome of knowing that somebody ain’t shit and staking your claim.

Rivera sings, “You look so alone/ Why are you always alone/ It seems you never belong” in a lingering high-pitched tone much like Saúl Hernandez of Spanish rock band Caifanes. And it’s that influence that gives The Beckelys their excitement-restoring sound.

No wonder they also call themselves Los Beckleys.

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