A Member of Dallas Hip-Hop Collective Crit Life Was Shot Saturday Morning.

Early Saturday morning, at an event called the “Random Art Mixer” at Ash Studios in Fair Park, a shooting occurred involving one of the members of the Dallas rap group Crit Life. Se7en, the “CEO” of the collective, was assaulted and shot outside of the gallery and event space.

Central Track spoke with Se7en over the phone this afternoon after he was released from Baylor Hospital. He says that after being shot in both the hand and leg, he spent three days at the hospital. Se7en says he’s unsure why the altercation took place, but he’s thankful to have since received an outpouring of support on social media.


After the incident, Random Art Gallery released as statement to clear up confusion about its involvement in the event. It reads as follows:

Last evening there was an event under the name “Random Art Mixer.” Unfortunate events took place and we give our best wishes to those affect/involved. This event was not presented, curated or attached to the Random Art Gallery/Brand. We pride ourselves on delivering a safe, fun, art experience and will continue to do so. Thanks for your continued support. See you soon! (at Random Art)

Dallas police have confirmed that officers responded to the shooting at approximately 1:09 a.m. on Saturday, but there is no suspect information, and police say they have no one in custody at this time.

Still, it doesn’t appear that Se7en or the rest of the Crit Life crew is letting the latest incident slow them down too much. This Friday, Crit Life plans on going ahead with an event it’s hosting called “Dallas Underground” that’s DJ’d by Bemyfriend and DJ Fred with music from G7 Cecret, Trap Mama and more. Even Se7en says he plans on attending.

The event is free before 10 p.m. with three canned goods. Even though it’s right around the corner, the location is TBA.

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