Funeral Party.

It Was A Perfect Weekend For Blue, The Misfit.

And the award for the most dominant act in Dallas over the weekend goes to Blue, the Misfit. You love him, you really love him.

But, really, he’s just so easy to love. As such, a friends and family screening/listening party and Q&A for his upcoming Perfect Night For a Funeral LP (Oct. 28) sold out one of the theaters at the Alamo Drafthouse in the Cedars. What’s more, he filled that room with a who’s who of producers, musicians, artists, writers and the like. Considering names like Sarah Jaffe, Kaela Sinclair, Jordan Richardson, Hunter Moehring, Jason Burt, Bobby Sessions, DJ Niro, The John Stewart, Lee Android, Karlo X. Ramos, Jersean Golatt, Misa Sandoval and Nathan Dawson all contributed to the project, that was, perhaps, to be expected.

From there, an open-to-the-public after-party went down next door at Vetted Well, featuring DJ sets from Jaffe, Imperial D and Niro. A video recap of Thursdays festivities, courtesy of Rob “Honor System” Martinez can be seen below.

On Friday night, meanwhile, Blue himself held down DJ duties at Off the Record. And then, on Saturday, he performed some of his new material atop a hearse at The Bomb Factory’s free ACL live stream party. Talk about grinding.

Our photographer Kathy Tran was there Thursday to further recap the listening party, which you can peep above.

All photos by Kathy Tran.
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