Elaine Sun

How You Get There.

The Journey Surpasses The Destination at Kendra Broscoe and Marilyn Jolly's Circuit 12 Show. Kendra Broscoe used to study under Marilyn Jolly at the Unive...

Revisionist History.

In Their DMA Show, HOMECOMING! Committee Changes The Past To Better The Art Scene's Future. It was exciting news earlier this year when the Dallas Museum ...

Art Beat.

A Beginner's Guide To Dallas Gallery Scene. Recently, Dallas's small art community has been abuzz about, well, itself. This past year, it seems as if...

All Shook Up.

Scenes From Riley Holloway's SHOOK!!! Opening at the Fairmont Hotel on Friday. After three months as the artist-in-residence at the Fairmont Hotel, North ...

Building Block.

Scenes From Friday's Summer Block Party in the Dallas Arts District. Few events in Dallas draw so large and diverse a crowd every year as the Dallas Arts ...