Symbolyc One Shares The Process Behind His Latest 50 Cent-Approved Beat.

There’s no doubting that Symbolyc One is one of Dallas’ great musical treasures. And, over the past couple of years, the Grammy award-winning hip-hop producer has been especially hot, seeing his beats drive hit singles for the likes of Jay-Z, Kanye West and Beyonce. Hell, even his son’s an accomplished producer in his own right, having produced beats for Talib Kweli, among others.

S1’s latest effort, one could argue, just might be his highest profile beat to date. It was back in November when we first told you about this new track, the 50 Cent single “My Life,” which also features guest spots from Eminem and Adam Levine, as if simply scoring a beat on a 50 single wasn’t impressive enough.

But that star power is just one of the reasons why the below video, directed by another impressive area talent, the great Jeff Adair, is such a cool watch. In the clip, Adair takes viewers into S1’s home studio as the producer explains how he came up with the beat, how he got it into 50’s hands and how Eminem helped him take the beat to the next level.

Behind-the-scenes insight like this is a rare thing, indeed. For it to be showcased in such a well done video, too, is just the cherry on top.

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