Asshat of the Week

Asshat of the Week.

Someone Blinded A Medic With A Laser Pointer This Week? What. The. Hell. Dear Person Who Blinded A Care Flight Medic With A Laser Pointer,How's it going? ...

Asshat of the Year.

We're Over You, Jerry Jones. Dear Jerry Jones,How're you doing today? Pretty well, we imagine, what with the Cowboys still alive and in playoff conte...

Asshat of the Week.

You Can Take Your Affluenza And Shove It, Judge Jean Boyd. Dear Judge Jean Boyd,How are you holding up today? We know the last few days must have been trying f...

Asshats of the Week.

What On Earth Could You Possibly Be Protesting At Dealey Plaza, Westboro Baptist Church? Dear Phelps Clan and the Rest of the Westboro Baptist Church,How are y...

Asshat of the Week.

The White House May Have Absolved You, Pete Sessions. But You Should Still Shut Up. Dear Rep. Pete Sessions,How's it going in your world today? Pretty wel...

Asshats of the Week.

No, Plano West Bullies. It Is You Who Suck. Dear Plano West Bullies,How are you guys doing today? Not well, we hope, after reading the texts y’all have been ...